ijams nature center, maternity

Ijams Maternity Session || Rachel and Zac Stephens || Knoxville, TN

Ijams Maternity Session

Ijams Maternity Session

My dear friends are having baby #3. I can’t wait to meet him!

Last night Rachel and Zac Stephens met me for their maternity session. I’d been searching for the perfect place for her maternity session in Knoxville, TN and landed on Ijams Nature Center. It turned out to be the perfect location! The weather was amazing and of course, Ijams was an adventure for the kids to explore. Rachel rocked her dress, Zac was cheering her on, Jael was the princess she always is and well River (lol) you can see what he was doing below!

This family means the world to me and it’s such an honor to get to capture these moments and celebrate new life with them. This next chapter is going to be such a blessing (and a little crazy), but I can’t wait to cuddle this little boy soon.



Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session Ijams Maternity Session

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