Ok, guys here’s the truth. If you are going to go through all the trouble to make the day you ask her to be your wife, then do it right!
Book a professional photographer in addition to your big plans. The reality is, not just any photographer will do! Book a professional photographer, one who specializes in proposals! Why? Because we are like Ninjas! Yes, you read that right! We can blind in with the crowd while packing our 10 lb camera gear and still catch the first tear as it rolls down her face.
A few weeks before Evan decided to start making plans for his proposal day he had Nicole’s brother reach out to me. He lived in New York and was trying to help him plan it so Nicole wouldn’t find out.
They devised a plan that they would tell her they were filming a video for her dad’s birthday. Seeing the family lives all over the country and they wouldn’t be there, this seemed like a perfect decoy. Guess what? It worked!
I spoke with her brother and then finally with Evan closer to the day to make sure all the details were in place. The time, the place, where her family would be. The bonus surprise was that a bunch of her family flew in from all over the country!
Proposal Day
The day came. Evan texted me what they were wearing and updated me on time all day. It’s always exciting and nerve-racking because we both have to do it in a super secretive way! I’m always scared the guy won’t cover his tracks, but so far all the proposals have gone off without a hitch!
They had lunch at the Oliver Royale in Market Square in downtown Knoxville, TN. They live downtown so it just made sense. Nicole did know I’d be there, but she thought I was the photographer videoing her for her dad’s birthday well wish.
They came out, I introduced myself and we moved to the predetermined spot Evan and I had spoken about. At this point, Nicole wanted her pup in the film, so I told her we’d shoot a second video. I’m good at thinking on my feet, but I was scared she’d get upset at Evan for her pup not being there. Thankfully, this thing didn’t go down the drain and she was up for a “second video” later.
Once we were in the spot Evan took over. Nicole still wasn’t sure what was happening. She thought he was wasting my time because he had started going into his talk to her about his love for her. She was confused. However, when Evan got on one knee, she knew what was happening!
Nicole cried, Evan was emotional and I was emotional. A random group of people nearby had stopped to watch and the crewed grew as things unfolded. This is why I love public proposals. It seems to unite humanity!
Of course, she said YES!
The 2nd Surprise
Evan had arranged for her family and the pup to be hidden in a nearby hotel while we took “official engagement photos”. I had them in place. Her face faced the door of the hotel and I started to count due to the snap of the camera. When I got to the end of the countdown, her family walked out, and again, waterworks! Finally, after all the hugs, she got a FaceTime call from her dad (last photo) and the surprise was complete.
I Loved This Proposal
This was one of my favorite proposals! I loved all the planning, and all the things her family and Evan were willing to do to make her proposal memorable. The couple was kind, their families were kind and of course, any proposal with a puppy in it is a good day!
Bravo, Evan for hiring a professional proposal photographer in Knoxville, TN. I pray that these photos will serve as memories of one of the best days of your lives!
Check other proposals here