It’s that time of year again, proposal season! In this blog, I’m going to share the best tips to help all the guys out there with proposal planning! Y’all have no idea how many men I’ve helped plan their big proposal. It’s become one of my favorite things to do, I love being apart of the big surprise. First, we talk about the relationship and what he has in his mind. After that we make it happen. One major thing, don’t try and compete with other people or worry about having the ‘best or greatest’ proposal. Above all, she’s going to love it and that’s all that matters.
Proposal Planning Tips
- Avoid the Holidays – Holidays are already such a busy time of year, choose a day that can be special for just the two of you. An engagement is such an exciting time. Let it have its own day!
- Sunset – Planning an outdoor proposal? Plan to pop the question around sunset. Then, you will have the perfect lighting for all those pictures after she says, ‘Yes!’.
- Professional Photographer – Hire a professional to be there and capture everything. Friends or family taking pictures can be nice until she sees them and figures out what’s going on! We don’t want the surprise to be ruined. Hire a professional (aka me!!). Being a professional we also have access to all kinds of vendors and special locations. We can help with flowers, location scouting, and other resources to make it perfect. Some locations that may be perfect aren’t available to the public, I’ve got you covered.
- Tell Her it’s Special – All of this proposal planning could go out the window if she shows up in leggings and a messy bun! Tell her you’re going somewhere nice so she gets dressed up and does her makeup, hair, and nails. If you’re planning an outdoor hike, in a national park like the Smoky Mountains– don’t worry about her looking nice. Keep it simple!
Planning a proposal can be tough, but try not to overthink it! Keep it simple and focused on the relationship and they will love it!